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Ready, Set, Teacher Blog!

Unless you have ever taught in a classroom yourself, it’s impossible to know exactly what goes on. A teacher wears more hats in one day than most people do their whole lives. They are expected to manage behavior, console hurt feelings, create reports, maneuver technology, plan activities and trips, raise money and, oh yeah, teach!

From roles and responsibilities to the seriously batty things that happen inside classrooms, every single teacher has something to share.

Teaching blogs are a great way to not only share your knowledge, expertise, and experience, but they’re also a potentially smart way to make a little money on the side. Things like advertising and courses can help generate money while you sleep.

But, even if you don’t strike it rich, it’s fun knowing that you are helping fellow teachers out by offering ideas, creating a platform for discussion, or just sharing a good laugh.

We like to make the argument that all teachers should blog. So if you’re still sitting on the fence about starting your own, we decided to create a list of some reasons that should nudge you into the world of teacher blogging.

It’s Not Really That Time Consuming.

While there are some seriously dedicated bloggers out there in the world deciding to make daily posts, that doesn’t mean that all great blogs need this type of intensity. Even a post or two each month can be enough to maintain a good following. And, if the content is relevant, one post can be all you need to keep people coming to your site for months - or years!

Diversify the Conversation in Education.

The more voices that are added to the conversation, the better shot we have to hear all of the sides we need in order to make the best decisions at higher levels. Blogs are an incredible way to help spread ideas or to inform opinions. If everyone is thinking and saying the same thing, there is no hope for innovation. The education system today is in need of real changes, which means that your voice online is more important than ever. Don’t wait. Be a part of the change that can truly revolutionize the way we teach here in the United States.

Share Your Big Ideas.

Your teacher blog is a great place to tell people what you’re thinking. From educational policies to lesson plans that engaged your students, this online space you create can be a game-changer for anyone who visits. Teachers hold one of the most powerful positions, whether they are always treated like it is, of course, another story. But by sharing what you think you can make a positive impact on other teachers and even district-wide or national policy decisions.

Every Day Is Different.

As a teacher, you will never run out of ideas to talk about on your blog. There is always something happening that you can share with other teachers and educational leaders. Some things will be entertaining, others will be anecdotal, but there will also be the ones that really open eyes. Most bloggers have no idea that the work they just published will go viral the next day, which means every blog has this potential. Take a chance and see what happens!

Give The Conversation Around Education Real Experience.

As most teachers know, so many of the decisions and policies created for education are done by people who have never taught in a classroom before. By getting into the conversation as a teacher, you can provide much needed perspective that can direct decisions in a more helpful way. The more teachers that share their experience, and their opinions, online, the more they cannot be ignored.

Write What You Think

Teachers, by nature, tend to be thinkers. Rather than spending hours thinking about an issue or something that happened in the classroom, do something active with those thoughts and write them down to share on your blog. Writing can be a helpful way to sort out how you are feeling and what exactly the purpose of your thoughts are. In a way, having a blog to share your thoughts about education and your experience in the classroom can be therapeutic.

Help Other Teachers

You know that teaching isn’t easy, so why not help others in the same position as yourself? A teaching blog is a great way to encourage other teachers when they need it most. Your writing can have a huge impact on someone else, perhaps even encouraging them to persist in their career. Of course your writing doesn’t need to be inspirational though. Practical tips on lesson planning and organization are immeasurably helpful to new teachers.

You Can Get Help

Your blog doesn’t have to be just about you. Lots of blogs feature guest writers and even curate articles they find useful or relevant online. You can also do interviews and use them as material for your blog as well. Think about the people you’d like to talk to - a principal, a superintendent? Your blog can be a reason to call them up and ask for an interview. It’s not just a great way to create content for your blog, it’s a great way to have some pretty spectacular conversations as well!

A teacher’s blog is a powerful tool. It can help shape another teacher’s day or it can change the outcome of an important educational decision. The more teachers who blog, the better chance we have at an awesome future.

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